Today we’re highlighting my crystal podcast interview with Feng Shui Master and Celtic Priestess Amanda Sophia of the Amanda Sophia Podcast

Crystals for your Everyday Practices.

crystals for everyday podcast

This was so much fun! Here are some of the topics we discussed:

  • What crystals do I suggest for love and relationship?
  • How do I work with the crystals?
  • Which crystals do I recommend for health and wealth?


Crystals for your Everyday Practices Podcast

You can listen on apple or on iheartradio here:

or click on the YouTube video below (it’s audio-only though).

Crystal Podcast Transcript:

Amanda Sophia: Beloveds, I’m your host Amanda Sophia, and welcome to another episode of the Amanda Sophia Podcast. A carefully curated space to support you as you awaken to joy, embrace your greatest self, and create a life of balance you love. Grab a cuppa and join me as I interview fellow spiritual thought leaders, learn how to implement feng shui practices, and ancient spiritual teachings. Each episode offers tangible tips you can implement in your everyday life to honor your highest self, be of service to others, grow your business as a light worker, and embrace the present moment. Tune in, Beloveds. You are welcome here.

Amanda Sophia: Welcome to episode 78. Thank you, beloved Shereen Cooper for this beautiful testimonial. Shereen says, “I’ve been interested in feng shui for many years. I am so grateful for Amanda coming into my life to fulfill this dream. The course is well laid out in both the manual and the online modules. Amanda is such a beautiful soul. She’s a wealth of knowledge and she’s so willing to share. An added bonus is the Facebook community, which is so welcoming and full of good information.” Thanks Shereen. Hibiscus Moon is a former science department head turned crystal healer, and self proclaimed geo geek extraordinaire. She’s the founder of Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and the author of the book Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work. Oh, it’s such an honor to have hibiscus moon here with us. Welcome.

Hibiscus Moon: Thank you so much, Amanda. I’m excited to be here. This is an honor for me as well.

Amanda Sophia: Oh, I’m so delighted, and I love your work, and it’s just so powerful. And I would love to hear, as well as everybody listening, to hear about your journey into the world of crystals, and all the amazing work that you do.

Hibiscus Moon: Oh my, all right. Well, it started when I was very, very young. I was just entranced by crystals at a very young age. We had a museum book, and I used to look and just couldn’t believe that these beautiful beings came from our planet. And so, because they would have rough renditions of what the crystal would look like, and then a faceted version of the same thing. And I thought the rough was just as beautiful as the faceted. So I was always intrigued by them. And then I was always interested in hidden subjects, the occult and things like that. So I’ve always been very curious, and just diving deep into those subjects, found out I was good at science. So I started teaching science, and I first thought that this was two completely different paths, but the more you learn about science and the more you learn about metaphysics, the more you see that they’re actually one and the same, that they intersect in quite a few different places.

Hibiscus Moon: And the more they learn about science, astrophysics and all kinds of interesting things, the more we see in common with ancient knowledge, the metaphysical knowledge. All of that just started to run together for me. And let’s see, in 2007, I started looking for… I was already a science department chair, but I was looking for community of people who were really interested in crystal grids. And I found them on YouTube. YouTube had just started, and there was this great community of people who were doing crystal grids on YouTube. So that’s really how I started down the path I guess that I’m on now.

Amanda Sophia: That’s amazing. And in my work with feng shui and also the priestess work, I mean, crystals is so important to bring in. And we talk about how we can bring it into all the different sectors of the home. And so the first place I’d love to start because it’s always about the love, so what are some ways, what are some of the main crystals that you suggest, when it comes to love and relationship, and healing the heart and everything?

Hibiscus Moon: Well, this is the number one question I get asked. What crystal’s good for this? And so it’s always love of some kind. So rose quartz is my go to crystal of love and compassion of all sorts, and as we know, there’s different types of love, but rose quartz is wonderful for all the different types of love. It can become your close partner crystal, with which you can nurture a close bond with, and a trust. I have that with a rose quartz that I keep by my nightstand all the time. And I talk about it all the time, it’s my buddy rose quartz, and I work with it for a lot of different things. And like I said, any kind of love, we know there’s different kinds of love, and some languages have different words, terms, for the different types of love. We in English just only have the one. We should probably come up with different vocabulary words for the different kinds of love, but there’s friendship love, there’s family love, there’s personal relationship love, self love.

Want to hear more?  Listen to the podcast above!

What are the other big takeaways?

  • What are the crystals that I work with all the time?
  • Crystal Shapes and my favorite
  • My top crystals for protection (even EFM protection)

I hope you enjoy this crystal podcast. What did you think? Did you learn anything new? Let me know in the comments below. 🙂

Crystal Blessings,

Hibiscus Moon signature