The Insider’s Guide to Feeling and Sensing Crystal Energy

Crystal Blessings Everybody!  Here’s another Crystal Q&A Video for ya & this one’s on the topic of Sensing Crystal Energy.


Thanks to Sharron from Ottawa, Ontario for calling in with this great question about her son’s abilities to move crystals while hovering his hand over them & not touching them.  Sharon asks if her son is

“highly energized, or what makes the crystals move & shake without being touched?”

I think this stuff is so coooool. Check it out, Crystal Hottie:

Crystals are a great tool to start with because it is easier to connect with their energies, which is why they’re great for healing on so many different  levels with all kinds of people all over Mama Earth! Crystals have a special relationship with us because they have a precise geometric pattern in their molecular structure that give that base resonant frequency a really precise pattern for us to connect with energetically.


So, this most likely means Sharon’s son has a really high resonance with crystals.  His ability to move them with his own energy, his own … Read More