Crystal Meanings | Are they Reliable?

crystal meanings


Do you find that your usual crystal meanings and usual go-to correspondences are dependable?

For example, has your go-to rose quartz or amethyst been as reliable as of late? I’m not necessarily asking if they’re “weaker,” but are they not working for you in the way that you’ve come to rely on?

Or maybe it’s that they’re working but they’re just “different”.

I’m asking because in all the years I’ve been working with and researching crystals, this is the first time I’ve noticed such a huge shift and many others (students, graduates and so many in our Crystal Family) have brought this to my attention too. 

In a recent poll I did; 82% said this is the case for them. Whoa! That’s a lot.

Crystals are millions of years old, some are even billions of years old. That’s just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of a crystal’s life cycle. Right? So, perhaps this shift in energy many of us are experiencing is just part of a natural cycle. It … Read More