Attracting MONEY, Success + Abundance into your life with Crystals


We know that crystals have many amazing healing properties, but they can also be used to attract money, success, prosperity & abundance by being a vibrational match to that type of energy, that frequency.

And lest you start getting all funky on me b/c I mentioned the word “MONEY”, please go read my blog post here first b/c I’m simply not going to entertain any money funkiness over here on my blog.

So first things first. In order to attract all that good stuffs I just mentioned above…you need to have cleared your mind of any old thought patterns you might be harboring that tell you do not have enough, you’ll never succeed or that you’re lacking in some way. We absolutely can use crystals as tools & supports to help us attract what we seek. Like attracts like, so first we must re-define our way of thinking.

I know…that sounds like a tall order.

But—let me ask you. When I say the words “success, prosperity, abundance”; what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

For a lot of people, that’s going to be money.

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