Breaking Through Barriers: 3 Crystals for Procrastination

Today, I'm bringing you a video about Crystals for Procrastination. First, there are many crystals we can work with to help us bust through and get shizzle done. But, in this blog/video I decided to focus on 3 specific stones to help break through those barriers. 1. Ametrine Ametrine is a mix of amethyst + citrine. It's a mix of iron + various amounts of heating that give it the unique color variances. Ametrine is great for boosting inspiration & to helping us breakthrough any blocks. Ametrine also helps us with any kind of fear of taking action. It helps eliminate & clear.

2016-03-09T13:41:59-05:0027 Comments

Crystal Energy Experiment: SEE the PROOF for yourself!

It’s Experiment Time! 

You know how I love to share science with you! And being a former science teacher, I really get into experiments!


Plus many of you are always asking for proof of the crystal energy I always speak of.

So, I want to show you the results of a crystal energy experiment using the Scientific Method that I recently spent some time doing…and that you can replicate for yourself (hallmark of a good sound scientific experiment!)

What we have going on in this experiment is some kitty grass that I grow for Topaz (my crystal-lovin’ kitty!). This is the seed I like to use for her (chemical-free & non-GMO, thank you very much.)

topaz smile


I wanted to see the effects of growing the kitty grass with crystals as well as with Pristine Hydro water would have on the plants.

Just to explain a bit about the Pristine Hydro water, it’s basically mega-amplified gem elixir water on tap with all the benefits of being living water restored to its more natural & ultimate healthy state. (We use … Read More

2016-02-22T18:49:26-05:0028 Comments

Are crystals alive?

Are our beloved crystals ALIVE?

Are there living “entities” in crystals?

Do they have consciousness?

Are they having a life experience?

Is it like a conscious being, the crystal itself?


My opinion is that, yes, they have a form of consciousness. It may not be in the same way we experience or understand that but, yes.

We may even apply some sort of “consciousness” to all matter…

“there is a quality of life and intelligence to all matter. The living universe.” ~ Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), cosmological theorist, philosopher, mathematician and poet, burned at the stake due to his controversial views and heresy. 🙁

In fact, number 1 of the 7 Hermetic Laws is this: Hermetic Law of Mind; all is mind and everything is energy. That’s the very point I’m trying to drive home here.

Now, I come at this from a very scientific point of view & background due to my analytical mind, education & former work. I’m always looking for the how and the why and then I really like to focus in on the available science that may back up my theory & find the common threads… because it gives … Read More

2020-01-28T00:48:33-05:0025 Comments

How to Clear Negative Energy Out of Your Home FAST

I’m often asked…

Can we clear negative energy out of our home or room using crystals?

Yep, yep…we totally can!

What do I mean by “clearing your room or home of negative energy”?

Well, a lot of the time, when people enter into a room they can actually physically feel what I like to call “yuck & stuck energies” from “negative energy or negativity” and they want to clear it out.

Here are a few other blog posts I’ve written on the subject:

There are many ways to clear the energy, like sage smudging or using sound acoustics (as I demo in the below video):

In this blog post I’m going to focus on how to clear negative energy specifically with *crystals*.

How do you clear energy using crystals?

To clarify, what I’m talking about is mainly “purifying” the energy in a space or transmuting the energy using crystals, because they’re so great at doing that.

You want to make sure you start with “re-tuned” crystals; meaning that … Read More

2016-07-17T14:01:03-04:0012 Comments
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