Attracting MONEY, Success + Abundance into your life with Crystals


We know that crystals have many amazing healing properties, but they can also be used to attract money, success, prosperity & abundance by being a vibrational match to that type of energy, that frequency.

And lest you start getting all funky on me b/c I mentioned the word “MONEY”, please go read my blog post here first b/c I’m simply not going to entertain any money funkiness over here on my blog.

So first things first. In order to attract all that good stuffs I just mentioned above…you need to have cleared your mind of any old thought patterns you might be harboring that tell you do not have enough, you’ll never succeed or that you’re lacking in some way. We absolutely can use crystals as tools & supports to help us attract what we seek. Like attracts like, so first we must re-define our way of thinking.

I know…that sounds like a tall order.

But—let me ask you. When I say the words “success, prosperity, abundance”; what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

For a lot of people, that’s going to be money.

abund <a href=… Read More

2020-04-08T14:29:28-04:0037 Comments

9 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibes in Your Home or Work Place

Raise Your Vibes _ FI

Ever walk into a space & have it just




Have it feel yuck & stuck?

I know I have. That feeling is a very real thing!

It’s the vibrational frequencies of the space interacting with your electromagnetic field.

We naturally crave an environment that feels energetically welcoming.

A home or work space that’s vibing with feel-good energy is one that you feel at home in, that you feel positive in, that inspires creativity & good conversation.

It’s a place you enjoy doing your favorite things in or allows you to relax, meditate, read…and on and on.

salt lamp candles raise vibes home

Since a good-feeling space is not a vibrational match to negative feeling frequencies, you’ll be less likely to have arguments, sadness or even uneasy feelings in a space that’s been energetically-tended-to.

The good news is there are some vibrational things you can do (some involving crystals) to help make your space more inviting and even create a … Read More

2016-08-01T12:54:59-04:0017 Comments

Don’t Waste Time! Bust Through any Obstacle with My Obstacle Remover Crystal Grid!

Today I’m going to give you a bit more detail on my obstacle remover crystal grid.

I’m listing out all the glitter-filled deets  & crystal components that make up this power-packed crystal grid right here in this blog post for ya… Ready?  Here we go!

Grid Components

I tapped into the energy of:

  • Bloodstone – strength & courage to face your obstacles while purifying
  • Kunzite – allows you to release resistance, also great for removing physical blocks & obstacles while assisting with emotional healing
  • and (since this is obstacle remover for my business) I used my polished Citrine point (powerful biz support, The Merchant’s Stone!) as my center stone
  • Obstacle Remover Gem Elixir Spray
  • …and of course, a Ganesha statue (the Remover of Obstacles)

I heard that Ganesha with the trunk going to the left is for good luck & prosperity.


So I found one that has the trunk going towards the left, although that was kind of difficult to find!  Most Ganesha statues have the trunk going to the right. **But I think that all depends on what your viewpoint is…right? So maybe it really … Read More

2020-04-08T14:28:31-04:0020 Comments

Sparkly Ideas for Using Crystals with Children

Hola! Crystal Blessings Everyone!

Today we are going to talk about…

& I’m so excited about this one, because I get asked about this a lot, and it’s one of my favorite subjects to talk about, it’s:

Crystals for Children

Sometimes I’m asked what crystals are good for kids to bring with them to school, to calm down their energy because sometimes, some  children have a lot more energy than others.

I don’t feel like it’s a big problem (having been a former teacher myself).  Some environments welcome that wild energy and some environments don’t. This “higher” energy may be more evident if your child is an indigo child. They have a different way of viewing &interacting in the world than how our traditional school system is really setup, right?

SIDENOTE: Here’s a great book that I recommend if you’d like to learn more about indigo children:

Some teachers out in the field nowadays have a solid understanding of the whole indigo child thing (we’re headed in the right direction at least)…and they’re on board & realize that there is more than one way to behave … Read More

2015-01-28T14:07:10-05:0031 Comments
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