Are you an Introvert? The 5 Best Crystals For Introverts

Are you an introvert?

What most people think of as an introvert is a hermit, someone who’s very, very shy, who never wants to speak to others. And definitely NOT someone who’s putting themselves out there on the Internet in blog form, video form, newsletters what have you….like I do.

So many people would look at me & what I do & think I’m definitely an extrovert, right?

Are you

Well, they’re wrong.

It’s all about Energy, Baby!

So what does introvert/extrovert actually mean?

Swiss psychiatrist, C. G. Jung used these 2 terms a bit differently than how many of us may use them, but his explanation makes the most sense to me.

So, most of us think of an extrovert as being very sociable & outgoing. And an introvert is often thought of as withdrawn, quiet & shy

Jung, on the other hand, described these terms as a way to measure the favored way to direct energy:

  • EXTROVERT – prefer to focus your energy outwardly, to the outer world & to other people, you get an energy boost from being around others, energy gets … Read More
2014-12-24T14:05:14-05:0026 Comments

Can You Sense & Feel Crystal Energy?

So, some people can handle crystals all day long…and feel nothing.

And some people can walk into a room of crystals and have to run out b/c they say the energy is too overwhelming.

Why are some people so sensitive & others don’t feel anything at all?

A student of mine asked me this question:

Q: A used a stone on my client. They then purchased the same kind of stone used during their healing session, and although it became warm and made their hand tingle during the session, when they got home to use it- nothing happened.

What happened?

Also a similar situation came through on my public voicemail:

A: In the 1st situation, it was most likely the energy work you were doing in conjunction w/ the stone that made the impression on your client. This can’t always be felt but your client obviously did, so don’t discount the work that you yourself are doing in collaboration with the crystals! 😉

I’d say to them, “Forget about what you felt this or that time. How does the stone make you feel in general, overall, over time?” and go from there.

Now, having said … Read More

2015-05-02T18:23:06-04:0062 Comments

Crystal Characteristics Secrets Revealed

It’s Crystal Q&A time!

Today we’ve got a sparkly one for ya, with a call in question from Tess looking for guidance on a very special crystal.

She asks:

“How can I use & get the most out of a Quartz Crystal that I recently purchased?”

Watch this vid for my answer:

To be crystal clear (hee heee), there is no incorrect way of working with your crystal. 

When you’re already strongly guided to purchase a certain crystal, use your intuition, Baby. Any personal guidance that you receive or inherently know, will be correct. Go with it. 🙂

Manifestor Quartz:

  • If you have a manifestor quartz crystal, as Tess describes in the video, then this type of crystal is REALLY GOOD for MANIFESTING!
    • You can work with this crystal in meditations to birth new ideas
    • Perfect for Crystal Grids & giving and extra boost to your grid intention
    • Can help boost your creative flow
    • Or anything else that you’d like to grow more of in your life!


Phantom Crystal

Next, we talked about a “mirroring crystal inside the quartz”, which is possibly a Phantom Crystal.   This is a ghost image of a crystal growing inside the larger … Read More

2014-10-14T11:25:26-04:003 Comments

How & Why Crystals have Healing Properties

Ah, THIS is the question I’m asked to defend over & over. And I love doing it! So let’s talk some crystal energy science, shall we?

“Why or how do crystals help heal us either physically, emotionally or spiritually?”


My fav way to answer this question is to show how science & metaphysics agree with each other. YES, you read that right…I said “agree with each other”…as well as discuss all the ways that science is now finally catching up to metaphysics.

“Science and religion are not enemies. There are some things that science is simply too young to understand.”

~(quote from Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons).

Oh yeah, us humans…we think we’re so superior. We tend to think that we have power or dominion over “lesser” kingdoms, such as minerals. Don’t we? However, when we  compare the 2; humans are relatively short-lived & quite vibrationally unsteady, therefore easily energetically influenced due to our emotions, which are simply energy, you know.

I get much deeper into this in my course, but we can do a pretty good summary here. See, our body has a … Read More

2015-06-23T17:55:02-04:0013 Comments
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