What Crystals Should Be in your Chakra Stone Set?

Today’s post is about putting together a chakra stone set. You can put 1 together relatively inexpensively if you know what stones to go for.
Here’s a question that I recently received:


  1. I’m putting together my chakra stone set & am curious if it’s best to use the same style/shape stone for the set? For example should they all be tumbled? Or can they be a mix of tumbled & points?
  2. Also, when buying a pendulum, which stone is best? Should we use our intuition or is there one stone that is best for healing?



For your chakra set, it really won’t matter. Get what you can get. Natural is always best but sometimes you just can’t find them in that particular stone. If you have an easy choice though, always go natural! That being said, here’s an example set I usually recommend to all my students:

chakra stones

The stones pictured above are very easy to find & are inexpensice. I usually like to have a choice of 2 stones for each chakra on hand except for the crown here…no specific reason for that: