9 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibes in Your Home or Work Place

Raise Your Vibes _ FI

Ever walk into a space & have it just




Have it feel yuck & stuck?

I know I have. That feeling is a very real thing!

It’s the vibrational frequencies of the space interacting with your electromagnetic field.

We naturally crave an environment that feels energetically welcoming.

A home or work space that’s vibing with feel-good energy is one that you feel at home in, that you feel positive in, that inspires creativity & good conversation.

It’s a place you enjoy doing your favorite things in or allows you to relax, meditate, read…and on and on.

salt lamp candles raise vibes home

Since a good-feeling space is not a vibrational match to negative feeling frequencies, you’ll be less likely to have arguments, sadness or even uneasy feelings in a space that’s been energetically-tended-to.

The good news is there are some vibrational things you can do (some involving crystals) to help make your space more inviting and even create a … Read More

2016-08-01T12:54:59-04:0017 Comments

How to Clear Negative Energy Out of Your Home FAST

I’m often asked…

Can we clear negative energy out of our home or room using crystals?

Yep, yep…we totally can!

What do I mean by “clearing your room or home of negative energy”?

Well, a lot of the time, when people enter into a room they can actually physically feel what I like to call “yuck & stuck energies” from “negative energy or negativity” and they want to clear it out.

Here are a few other blog posts I’ve written on the subject:

There are many ways to clear the energy, like sage smudging or using sound acoustics (as I demo in the below video):

In this blog post I’m going to focus on how to clear negative energy specifically with *crystals*.

How do you clear energy using crystals?

To clarify, what I’m talking about is mainly “purifying” the energy in a space or transmuting the energy using crystals, because they’re so great at doing that.

You want to make sure you start with “re-tuned” crystals; meaning that … Read More

2016-07-17T14:01:03-04:0012 Comments

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About a Himalayan Salt Lamp

I get a lot of questions about the Himalayan Salt Lamp:

What’s the big deal about these Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Do they really do what everybody says they do?

So the primary thing that Himalayan Salt Lamps “do” is that they induce negative ions into your environment. (We’ll get to that in a moment).

I have one in my sacred crystal studio here. He’s super heavy & pretty darn oversized —

he comes up to my knee.

himalayan salt lamp

I really like to have a salt lamp in just about every room of our home (2 in the bedroom; we have one on each of our nightstands on either side of our bed.)  My husband, Frankie, and I really enjoy having them in our home due to how they restructure the energy of our environment. 🙂

Salt is a crystal, halite to be exact, and it’s well-known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is a very “soft” mineral (only a 2-2.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale) and is exceptionally water-soluble.  So don’t wet your lamp to clean it off… ever.

GEOGRAPHY FACTOID: Did you know … Read More

2024-02-28T12:23:01-05:00114 Comments
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