Is The Power Of Quartz A Scam?

Is the power of crystals & quartz energy a scam?

No way! How will I prove that to you?

By throwing some science at it, of course!

Quartz is amazing in so many ways.

quartz energy

It makes up some of our very favorite crystals to work with:

  • clear quartz
  • amethyst
  • citrine
  • smokey quartz
  • rose quartz
  • aventurine
  • jaspers
  • ….I could go on & on

What’s so special about it?

OK, really quick we’re going to dip into some physics here. But I’ll make it painless…I swear.


Oh, c’mon…it’s not that bad.

So a wee bit ago (in the year 1880) in a Paris lab, physicist brothers Jacques & Pierre Curie (husband to Marie) made a new discovery regarding quartz crystals.

Together they found that by wiring a quartz crystal to a recording meter & striking it, they could produce an electric signal. Whoa!
Then they found that squeezing it resulted in the same. Wait! A rock crystal was making electricity here?

Well, not really making it. Crystals cannot create or generate energy, despite that popular name given to quartz crystals of a certain rare shape & size: “Generators”. But, some crystals can serve as transducers.

So what the flip is a transducer???

A transducer is capable of transforming one … Read More