Is The Power Of Quartz A Scam?

Is the power of crystals & quartz energy a scam?

No way! How will I prove that to you?

By throwing some science at it, of course!

Quartz is amazing in so many ways.

quartz energy

It makes up some of our very favorite crystals to work with:

  • clear quartz
  • amethyst
  • citrine
  • smokey quartz
  • rose quartz
  • aventurine
  • jaspers
  • ….I could go on & on

What’s so special about it?

OK, really quick we’re going to dip into some physics here. But I’ll make it painless…I swear.


Oh, c’mon…it’s not that bad.

So a wee bit ago (in the year 1880) in a Paris lab, physicist brothers Jacques & Pierre Curie (husband to Marie) made a new discovery regarding quartz crystals.

Together they found that by wiring a quartz crystal to a recording meter & striking it, they could produce an electric signal. Whoa!
Then they found that squeezing it resulted in the same. Wait! A rock crystal was making electricity here?

Well, not really making it. Crystals cannot create or generate energy, despite that popular name given to quartz crystals of a certain rare shape & size: “Generators”. But, some crystals can serve as transducers.

So what the flip is a transducer???

A transducer is capable of transforming one … Read More

2020-11-19T22:59:01-05:0027 Comments

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About a Himalayan Salt Lamp

I get a lot of questions about the Himalayan Salt Lamp:

What’s the big deal about these Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Do they really do what everybody says they do?

So the primary thing that Himalayan Salt Lamps “do” is that they induce negative ions into your environment. (We’ll get to that in a moment).

I have one in my sacred crystal studio here. He’s super heavy & pretty darn oversized —

he comes up to my knee.

himalayan salt lamp

I really like to have a salt lamp in just about every room of our home (2 in the bedroom; we have one on each of our nightstands on either side of our bed.)  My husband, Frankie, and I really enjoy having them in our home due to how they restructure the energy of our environment. 🙂

Salt is a crystal, halite to be exact, and it’s well-known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is a very “soft” mineral (only a 2-2.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale) and is exceptionally water-soluble.  So don’t wet your lamp to clean it off… ever.

GEOGRAPHY FACTOID: Did you know … Read More

2024-02-28T12:23:01-05:00114 Comments

What Mom Never Told You About Autoimmune Diseases, Lupus, Fibromyalgia

…or maybe you’re Mom is really on her game when it comes to autoimmune diseases, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. & DID tell you about this stuff! But with these dis-eases on the rise…I think its time to discuss it here on my blog. very generally sums up an autoimmune dis-ease like this:

general, lingering symptoms, means your immune system is attacking healthy tissue.

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. Crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical care & consultations. Let me also warn you that this is a link-rich post. I have lots of good resources here to refer you to. ALL of the products that I recommend are products that I have personally used & HIGHLY recommend. Some of the links below are affiliate links that will earn me a commission if you purchase through them, but you can certainly purchase through a different link. Just wanted you to know that I wouldn’t have them here if I didn’t totally believe in them. 🙂

OK, let’s get on with it.

Like I said, it seems that crystal-related … Read More

2019-12-20T19:55:30-05:0034 Comments

How To Awaken & De-Calcify Your Pineal Gland with Crystals ~ Part 2

After doing a couple of videos on this bitty little gland, I know “awakening the pineal gland” is a highly controversial topic.  Lots of peeps have strong views about it & tend to get their panties in a bunch… & then the venom starts flying from some. Not sure why that is.

But, here on my blog (or on any of my social media properties), best keep your venom to  yourself or spew it on your own properties b/c I maintain a very happy, uplifting & positive space here. If you do choose to spew, you’ll be promptly deleted & banned.

HOWEVER!…I do welcome differing opinions along with healthy, respectful & mature debates discussing all view points. That is always welcome here. 🙂

And, just for a healthy dose of disclaimer juice…

DISCLAIMER: Crystal healing & therapy should be used with the understanding that it is part of a sound holistic treatment plan. It’s not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany & work alongside. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature & does not claim to heal or cure.  Besides, with crystals (or without) you have the power within you to cure yourself … Read More

2015-09-30T12:37:15-04:0020 Comments
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