4 Crystals to Improve Dream Recall

Do you have trouble remembering your dreams?

We’ve all had those nights. You know you had a really powerful dream but you just can’t remember the details…or just have fleeting bits n’ pieces & can’t get the message out of it. And then even those fuzzy fragments float away as you really come out of your sleep. Oh! Wait!! What was that? Oh….shoot…its GONE.

Crystals can help with that, Sweet Pea!

First, you’ll want to set an intention to remember your dreams before you go to sleep, say a little prayer, state an affirmation or do a light meditation for that purpose. Then be sure you have a pen & paper or a recording device at your bedside so you are ready to record whatever you recall as soon as you wake up. Now, let’s get to the sparkly dream crystals.

4 Dream Crystals to Improve Your Dream Recall:

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a workhorse of a crystal. Sheesh! What isn’t it good for? Plus, its inexpensive & easy to find & GORG-BEAUTIOUS!

Amethyst is known for easing communication, allowing for a smooth easy connection with Source energy &  the spiritual realm. It allows us to let go & allow messages to come … Read More