Crystals to Help you Study Better, Faster + with Less Stress

Let’s talk about Crystals to help you Study!

So which crystals are the best for this purpose?

I have 2 go-to favorites when people ask me about crystals that help you to concentrate for studying & that I use for any kind of concentration activity, clarity activity or studying activity.

Specifically for studying I like Fluorite + Stilbite.


Rainbow Fluorite can have really beautiful colorations in it. Fluorite comes in green, blues, pinks, purples; all different colors! I actually have a separate video all about fluorite here.

flourite point green fluorite

Gorgeous indigo fluorite cubes. Sacred Geometry at its finest. On display at the #TucsonGemShow Gorgeous indigo fluorite cubes. Sacred Geometry at its finest. On display at the #TucsonGemShow

Fluorite does exhibit the sacred geometry of the octahedron formation really, really easily in it’s structure.


Not always, sometime they grow in masses, but sometimes they do go ahead & grow just like the photo above because they are part of the cubic crystal system.

So I really like fluorite because it really ushers in that … Read More

2020-01-27T23:58:48-05:0011 Comments

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About a Himalayan Salt Lamp

I get a lot of questions about the Himalayan Salt Lamp:

What’s the big deal about these Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Do they really do what everybody says they do?

So the primary thing that Himalayan Salt Lamps “do” is that they induce negative ions into your environment. (We’ll get to that in a moment).

I have one in my sacred crystal studio here. He’s super heavy & pretty darn oversized —

he comes up to my knee.

himalayan salt lamp

I really like to have a salt lamp in just about every room of our home (2 in the bedroom; we have one on each of our nightstands on either side of our bed.)  My husband, Frankie, and I really enjoy having them in our home due to how they restructure the energy of our environment. 🙂

Salt is a crystal, halite to be exact, and it’s well-known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is a very “soft” mineral (only a 2-2.5 on the Mohs Hardness scale) and is exceptionally water-soluble.  So don’t wet your lamp to clean it off… ever.

GEOGRAPHY FACTOID: Did you know … Read More

2024-02-28T12:23:01-05:00114 Comments

Are there some crystals that never need cleansing?

Are there crystals that never need cleansing?

I LOVE this topic. It’s a good one. It keeps coming up b/c there are some popular crystal books that state that certain crystals just never need to be “cleansed” or re-tuned (my preferred word for it).

First, before we get into it…let me just say…if it works for you; keep on TRUCKIN’! Don’t let what I say here change your mind. See what your intuition tells you.


I feel that all crystals need to be re-tuned from time to time.

I hear this “no cleansing thing” most often about:

  • selenite
  • kyanite
  • citrine

Again, I feel that there are no crystals or stones that do not require any cleansing.

crystals that never need cleansing Hi, I’m Selenite. Do I never need to be cleansed?

Here’s an old vid where I pondered this very question…

Do All Crystals Need to Be Cleansed?

I come at it from a physics point of view. What’s new?

Crystals have a very precise vibratory rate due to their precise molecular structure (that’s what makes a crystal a crystal). However just as an overplayed piano needs to be retuned from time to time, at some point … Read More

2014-11-05T10:58:31-05:0040 Comments

COLOR OF THE YEAR: RADIANT ORCHID ~ 2014 ~ Sugilite + Lepidolite

Pantone Color of the Year

sugilite lepidolite

I love color! How about you?

So, last year I started a tradition of pairing up a crystal video to match up with Pantone’s Color of the Year. To explain sort of what that’s about this is from the Pantone website:

Since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute™ has been designating a Color of the Year to express in color what is taking place in the global zeitgeist.

Pretty cool, right? You can find out more about that here.

I decided to create a NEW color collage of my own…with crystals! YOU LIKE?

sugilite lepidolite

In today’s featured video I go over 2 very specific stones that I felt aligned very well with “Radiant Orchid”.

COLOR OF THE YEAR: RADIANT ORCHID ~ 2014 ~ Sugilite + Lepidolite

More Crystal Info + Another that goes with the 2014 Color of the Year


  • sugiliteA potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminum silicate mineral … Read More
2020-01-27T22:55:30-05:0010 Comments
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