How to Clear Negative Energy Out of Your Home FAST

I’m often asked…

Can we clear negative energy out of our home or room using crystals?

Yep, yep…we totally can!

What do I mean by “clearing your room or home of negative energy”?

Well, a lot of the time, when people enter into a room they can actually physically feel what I like to call “yuck & stuck energies” from “negative energy or negativity” and they want to clear it out.

Here are a few other blog posts I’ve written on the subject:

There are many ways to clear the energy, like sage smudging or using sound acoustics (as I demo in the below video):

In this blog post I’m going to focus on how to clear negative energy specifically with *crystals*.

How do you clear energy using crystals?

To clarify, what I’m talking about is mainly “purifying” the energy in a space or transmuting the energy using crystals, because they’re so great at doing that.

You want to make sure you start with “re-tuned” crystals; meaning that … Read More

2016-07-17T14:01:03-04:0012 Comments

Are there some crystals that never need cleansing?

Are there crystals that never need cleansing?

I LOVE this topic. It’s a good one. It keeps coming up b/c there are some popular crystal books that state that certain crystals just never need to be “cleansed” or re-tuned (my preferred word for it).

First, before we get into it…let me just say…if it works for you; keep on TRUCKIN’! Don’t let what I say here change your mind. See what your intuition tells you.


I feel that all crystals need to be re-tuned from time to time.

I hear this “no cleansing thing” most often about:

  • selenite
  • kyanite
  • citrine

Again, I feel that there are no crystals or stones that do not require any cleansing.

crystals that never need cleansing Hi, I’m Selenite. Do I never need to be cleansed?

Here’s an old vid where I pondered this very question…

Do All Crystals Need to Be Cleansed?

I come at it from a physics point of view. What’s new?

Crystals have a very precise vibratory rate due to their precise molecular structure (that’s what makes a crystal a crystal). However just as an overplayed piano needs to be retuned from time to time, at some point … Read More

2014-11-05T10:58:31-05:0040 Comments

Crystal Myths Debunked

Crystal myths? Well, every interest has its fair share of myths, legends & misconceptions. Right? And I’m in no way trying to say my way is the only way or the right way but just giving you some food for thought here with this post. So, ready to do some crystal de-bunking?

My auralite 23 wand & my rose quartz buddy. My auralite 23 wand & my rose quartz buddy.

Now you know I love a good mature intelligent debate that stirs up a little controversy or just makes us THINK. Perhaps even debunks a few myths. I love to stir the pot with a pinch of controversy as long as its all in fun & no one gets their panties up in a wad. Its this sort of thing that gets peeps talking, reveals new info & sometimes I even let go of old beliefs for newer & better ones. I have no probs being flexy like that. No dogmatic buy-ins from me.

So let’s tawk!

I would like to discuss the concept of Charging or Programming of stones.

I often get asked by those new to crystals….

“I just got some … Read More

2015-07-13T11:17:15-04:0057 Comments

Charging Crystals Under the Full Moon

Did you see this recent video I did where I answered some common moon-crystal related questions about charging crystals under the full moon?

In it I cover:

  • Why I feel a monthly Moon “Cleanse” is not necessary
  • Can you put your crystals out when its cloudy?
  • Can you put your crystals out when there are freezing temps?
  • Will crystals still receive Moon-Benefits through a window?

Watch the vid & find out! 🙂

Charging Crystals in the Full Moon?

Many Sparkly Moon Blessings to you,




P.S. Did you know that enrollment is open for our Certified Crystal Healer Course beginning on May 1st?

2015-08-02T13:52:45-04:0019 Comments
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