WARNING: If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?

If Toxic Crystals Are So Bad, Why Do Some Recommend Them?

Well, I really cannot say why some recommendations don’t give at least a fair warning, but I suppose that most who are recommending the crystals assume the danger is low. Sometimes it is…and sometimes it isn’t.

Here’s a really good question I was recently asked by a student:

If Cinnabar is a toxic crystal why do crystal healing books recommend it?

For that matter, why would anyone recommend working with ANY toxic crystals at all?

In this video, I answer that question

Cinnabar are the red crystals in the photo below. The proper mineral name for Cinnabar happens to be Mercury Sulfide.

Cinnabar on dolomite & quartzCinnabar has a Mohs hardness (that’s a term we use to determine how hard it is) of 2 to 2.5. That means it’s relatively soft, meaning it can easily be scratched & can flake off. So, mercury that can easily flake off…hmmm, something to keep in mind.

Now, you may know that mercury is a toxic element…and it’s been known to make people go crazy. That’s right, NUTBALLZ.

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