Attracting MONEY, Success + Abundance into your life with Crystals


We know that crystals have many amazing healing properties, but they can also be used to attract money, success, prosperity & abundance by being a vibrational match to that type of energy, that frequency.

And lest you start getting all funky on me b/c I mentioned the word “MONEY”, please go read my blog post here first b/c I’m simply not going to entertain any money funkiness over here on my blog.

So first things first. In order to attract all that good stuffs I just mentioned above…you need to have cleared your mind of any old thought patterns you might be harboring that tell you do not have enough, you’ll never succeed or that you’re lacking in some way. We absolutely can use crystals as tools & supports to help us attract what we seek. Like attracts like, so first we must re-define our way of thinking.

I know…that sounds like a tall order.

But—let me ask you. When I say the words “success, prosperity, abundance”; what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

For a lot of people, that’s going to be money.

abund <a href=… Read More

2020-04-08T14:29:28-04:0037 Comments

My Life, My Spirit, My Career: How 10 Simple Morning Rituals Helped Me Succeed


A little while ago I shared a bit about my daily morning ritual practice on my Facebook Page & Instagram & many asked for more details. My morning ritual isn’t at all complicated & is actually pretty quick but I keep it the same each morning so now its become an ingrained habit that I don’t even need to think about very much. Comes in quite handy when I have those mornings where I’m barely conscious!

It’s really pretty simple & reminds me to savor life’s little pleasures, to be grateful while also allowing me to live in the present moment.♥

You know… your mood in the morning affects your entire day…so doing this allows me to program & set the tone for the kind of day I’m going to have, fit in some of my spiritual/manifesting/law of attraction practices.

Puts me in the right mindset for a great day ahead.

And this all happens from my bed before I even put my feet on the ground.

I do this ritual every single day & try to … Read More

2016-09-26T16:43:25-04:0030 Comments

How to Get What You Want with a Crystal Grid

One of my most popular past blog posts is How to Make a Crystal Grid. People tell me they refer to it again & again.

This all started when I started doing crystal grid videos showing everyone how I did them & how well they were working for me. I mean you could see it all unfolding as everything I gridded for happened & played out. I documented for all to see.

Because of that I’ve been asked to:

  • show my process in more detail (blog, vlog, etc.)
  • then teach a class on it
  • then write a book about it
  • then I built my entire Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy around it!

So to say I have MUCH RESPECT for crystal grids & what we can do with them is an understatement! But there’s another important ingredient to add to the mix; CLEAR INTENTION. I speak about this all the time but I felt the need to really emphasize that here in a blog post b/c peeps are still asking me “How do I get what I want?”

Tesla Can Help You GET What You Want

“If you … Read More

2020-04-08T14:19:51-04:008 Comments

I’ve got a little something to say about MONEY and Spirituality

Ever get that nagging feeling that something is bubbling up inside of you needing to be said?

Before I go any further…

PLEASE NOTE: I’m taking a risk here again…but I feel it needs to be addressed. This of course, is my opinion. It doesn’t mean that my opinion is the best 1 or the only 1, it’s just mine, that’s all. Flaming will not be tolerated here. This is a negativity-free zone. Although I enjoy a healthy, respectful & mature debate be forewarned that any nasty, negative or demeaning comments here on MY BLOG will be promptly deleted so don’t waste your energy.

I recently had this feeling + a number of signs prompting me to get my opinion on this money matter out there into our community. I know many others have done this before but I wanted to add to the mix with my humble take on it since it seemed so many in my circle were/are having trouble around it.

money and spirituality

Have you noticed this undercurrent belief in the new age/spiritual community that big abundance should not be made off of big dreams or anything to do with … Read More

2020-10-16T02:16:51-04:0013 Comments
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