More Crystal Fakes: Healerite, Larimar & Galena Geodes?

Here we have another “FAKE CRYSTALS” update for us today!

I think this has become one of my fav blog posts to write. ♥

More Crystal Fakes

My goal is to educate our Crystal Family community on what’s available out there so we can make informed decisions when adding specimens to our sacred collections and keep the fake crystals out! If you feel passionate about this too, please share this post in any way you prefer. (There are some handy-dandy “SHARE” buttons you can use at the bottom).

Galena Geodes aka Berber Geodes… a totally fake crystal!

OK, these are becoming more popular on the metaphysical market right now.

I mean…they’re gorgeous, right?

Image2 Photo credit: By Guy Courtois (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons They’re often touted as being from Morocco.

Well sorry Jelly Bean,  no such thing!

galena geode

What’s done here is a natural quartz geode (or even a fake clay one may be used as is done in the above photo. These were sold at the Tucson Gem Show!) is broken open & crushed lead-based … Read More

2021-02-09T10:54:16-05:0051 Comments

Everyone Loves Larimar

Yes, everyone loves larimar. They just do. C'mon...who doesn't? So, today I'm coming to you with the Dolphin Stone; Larimar. Ooooohhh Larimar. My larimar pendent handcrafted by an artist in Maui. I met the artist there & fell in love with the energy of this specific piece while surrounded by dolphin energy ♥ I love this stone. Known as the Dolphin Stone, some people even call it the Mermaid Stone or the Stone of Atlantis. As I show you in the vid, it's a sky blue stone, although it does vary a bit in it's intensity & hue. Larimar is a type of pectolite, which is a sodium calcium silicate that forms in cavities of balastic lava & found in only 1 place on the planet:

2024-02-28T12:10:51-05:0032 Comments
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