Top Five Simple Ways to Use Your Crystals Every Day

Ancient peoples truly appreciated and put to good use the extraordinary healing properties of crystals. We can learn so much from them and apply their wisdom to our modern lives to inspire us to work with crystals every day.

Unfortunately, us mod-humans, have mostly pushed aside or just forgotten all about our effective ancient stone and mineral know-how.

The good news is that recently we’ve experienced quite the Rock Revival. Am I right? A total resurgence and re-interest in the energetic healing powers of crystals and stones. (I feel we’re simply REMEMBERING what worked well for us without the nasty side-effects of other possible “remedies.”)

Sneak Peek: One of my recommendations is daily crystal meditation. For a simple meditation, grab this free throat chakra meditation mp3 and drop into some quality time with you, your rocks and your breath.

First Some Interesting Crystal Healing History

Humans have used crystals for millennia for various healing and protective purposes.

We now have evidence regarding the earliest hominids that were working with crystal energy as early as about 40,000 years ago.

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2019-12-16T13:01:34-05:0018 Comments

Gem Elixir Thin Mint Smoothie? Oh yes! RECIPE

So, you say you’re craving some mint chocolate chip ice cream or a whole freakin’ box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies?

(ever sit down and eat an entire box of those? I remember doing that about twenty years ago… good times).

But now, maybe we’re a bit wiser and would rather not wreck our usually healthy eating habits and lower our vibration by diving into something like that. Well, I have a great alternative for you today that’s super-healthy and high vibe too!

Ready to have something yummy + sparkly?

You’re gonna love ♥ this Gem Elixir Thin Mint Smoothie Recipe from a recent Livestream I did…

It’s a super-healthy guilt-free treat that incorporates crystals + minerals…and tastes pretty close to a Girl Scout’s Thin Mint Cookie! But it’s healthy… did I already mention that?

Check it out…

Gem Elixir Smoothie Recipe

It’s chocolatey, it’s minty and it’s gemmy…. and oh so good for you.

    • Blender (I love the NutriBullet!)
    • Almond Milk, enough to blend smoothly – approx. 1/2-1 cup. I like the unsweetened unflavored kind. Keep yer chemicals to yerself, please. 
    • Gem Elixir Water (make my own… aka a … Read More
2020-10-16T02:13:29-04:003 Comments

Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea for Immune Boosting & Energy!

GemElixirIcedTea _ FI

Let’s brew up some Hibiscus Vitamin C Immune Boosting Gem Elixir Iced Tea!

Click to watch my video here…

I was making some Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea and I knew I had to film it & share it with all of you!

Although it looks like Kool-Aid, this drink is bright red due to a lot of dried hibiscus flowers.

I get my hibiscus flowers and many of the ingredients I used here from Earth Shift Products.

This isn’t a product endorsement or anything like that.  In the video above I show you different brands for different things included in this recipe…but a lot of my stuff I do get from Earth Shift because they follow many of the same philosophies as I do.  I always prefer Fair Trade & Organic & they strive for that too.

Iced Tea Super Powers?

Vitamin C:  This tea is rich in Vitamin C.  Super high vitamin C, so that is where the immune boosting is coming from, from those hibiscus flowers.

Gem Elixir: We’re also adding a gem elixir, particularly a citrine gem elixir in this tea for good mood & feel good … Read More

2020-01-27T23:30:34-05:008 Comments

How to Clear Negative Energy Out of Your Home FAST

I’m often asked…

Can we clear negative energy out of our home or room using crystals?

Yep, yep…we totally can!

What do I mean by “clearing your room or home of negative energy”?

Well, a lot of the time, when people enter into a room they can actually physically feel what I like to call “yuck & stuck energies” from “negative energy or negativity” and they want to clear it out.

Here are a few other blog posts I’ve written on the subject:

There are many ways to clear the energy, like sage smudging or using sound acoustics (as I demo in the below video):

In this blog post I’m going to focus on how to clear negative energy specifically with *crystals*.

How do you clear energy using crystals?

To clarify, what I’m talking about is mainly “purifying” the energy in a space or transmuting the energy using crystals, because they’re so great at doing that.

You want to make sure you start with “re-tuned” crystals; meaning that … Read More

2016-07-17T14:01:03-04:0012 Comments
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