Super Blast Energizing Crystal Combo


Let’s talk about a great Energizing Crystal Combo!

Here I’m sharing this perfect little energizing crystal combination b/c it seems like a lot of us, including myself, could use a boost of energy.  A nice little energy shot.

In fact, if you’re into crystals, (which you probably are right?!) you likely have these crystals readily accessible, Crystal Hottie…and if you don’t, you can get this combo pretty easily.

Super Blast Energizing Wake-up Call Combo

1.  Carnelian


Carnelian is bright orange, an invigorating color and very easy to find.

It’s in the quartz family & a safe stone to use, very common and relatively low-cost; an energizing crystal to work with.

I’ve got a whole luscious post about Carnelian (+ a FREE gift) over here!!

2.  Citrine

Another crystal that’s easy to get a hold of and so great for energizing is citrine.

It doesn’t need to be a natural citrine like the I show you in my video & in the photo below.  That’s an all-natural dark citrine point from the Congo.


You might be more acquainted with citrine that … Read More

2016-09-19T18:28:35-04:0012 Comments

Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea for Immune Boosting & Energy!

GemElixirIcedTea _ FI

Let’s brew up some Hibiscus Vitamin C Immune Boosting Gem Elixir Iced Tea!

Click to watch my video here…

I was making some Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea and I knew I had to film it & share it with all of you!

Although it looks like Kool-Aid, this drink is bright red due to a lot of dried hibiscus flowers.

I get my hibiscus flowers and many of the ingredients I used here from Earth Shift Products.

This isn’t a product endorsement or anything like that.  In the video above I show you different brands for different things included in this recipe…but a lot of my stuff I do get from Earth Shift because they follow many of the same philosophies as I do.  I always prefer Fair Trade & Organic & they strive for that too.

Iced Tea Super Powers?

Vitamin C:  This tea is rich in Vitamin C.  Super high vitamin C, so that is where the immune boosting is coming from, from those hibiscus flowers.

Gem Elixir: We’re also adding a gem elixir, particularly a citrine gem elixir in this tea for good mood & feel good … Read More

2020-01-27T23:30:34-05:008 Comments

Navigating Depression; How Crystals Can Help

At one time or another, I’d guess that everyone has been touched by depression.

Some of us end up battling with it more than others.

I personally know depression from all sides. I’ve experienced it myself & have had several close family members who’ve had to deal with it.

I know that it’s debilitating & it can make you anxious b/c you’re so desperate to just get out of that feeling of hopelessness. There are many different levels & shades of depression & all may need to be dealt with differently.

BUT whatever method is your chosen method to help heal & deal, I feel any sound holistic healthy approach can be amplified & enhanced through the use of energy work & crystals. So this is the perfect spot for my…

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. I feel crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical and/or psychological care & consultation.

Here’s a recent question I received:

Q: I’ve been searching all over the internet for depression specific crystal suggestions.  Do you have a go-to crystal prescription for depression?

Good Question!  … Read More

2019-05-31T15:00:18-04:0038 Comments

Easy Gem Elixir! + Magical Mermaid Crystal Tea

I decided to make this video b/c how I do gem elixirs has become HOT Crystal Topic as of late (lots questions coming in for this):

How to make a super-easy gem elixir to tote along with you…

Many of you have been asking me for more details on how I make my easy-peasy drinkable gem elixirs & the NEW water bottle I so enjoy using to do this.

Easy Gem Elixir!

I used to recommend other bottles & gadgets with more elaborate designs (some were drop-dead-plop-your-whole-paycheck-down-gorgeous) & definitely more beautiful to look at…but if you know me, I’m Ms. Practical.

So after using those other options for a while I let them keep falling away as, either I discovered something I didn’t like about them…OR I discovered more practical options that could better fit into my every day life. 😉

So as I explain in my above video, I simply choose a NON-TOXIC stone I want to work with (preferably one with a Mohs Hardness of 5 or more so it doesn’t slowly dissolve in the water) & plop it into … Read More

2022-01-04T06:46:22-05:0014 Comments
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