Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea for Immune Boosting & Energy!

GemElixirIcedTea _ FI

Let’s brew up some Hibiscus Vitamin C Immune Boosting Gem Elixir Iced Tea!

Click to watch my video here…

I was making some Hibiscus Gem Elixir Iced Tea and I knew I had to film it & share it with all of you!

Although it looks like Kool-Aid, this drink is bright red due to a lot of dried hibiscus flowers.

I get my hibiscus flowers and many of the ingredients I used here from Earth Shift Products.

This isn’t a product endorsement or anything like that.  In the video above I show you different brands for different things included in this recipe…but a lot of my stuff I do get from Earth Shift because they follow many of the same philosophies as I do.  I always prefer Fair Trade & Organic & they strive for that too.

Iced Tea Super Powers?

Vitamin C:  This tea is rich in Vitamin C.  Super high vitamin C, so that is where the immune boosting is coming from, from those hibiscus flowers.

Gem Elixir: We’re also adding a gem elixir, particularly a citrine gem elixir in this tea for good mood & feel good … Read More

2020-01-27T23:30:34-05:008 Comments

Navigating Depression; How Crystals Can Help

At one time or another, I’d guess that everyone has been touched by depression.

Some of us end up battling with it more than others.

I personally know depression from all sides. I’ve experienced it myself & have had several close family members who’ve had to deal with it.

I know that it’s debilitating & it can make you anxious b/c you’re so desperate to just get out of that feeling of hopelessness. There are many different levels & shades of depression & all may need to be dealt with differently.

BUT whatever method is your chosen method to help heal & deal, I feel any sound holistic healthy approach can be amplified & enhanced through the use of energy work & crystals. So this is the perfect spot for my…

BORING DISCLAIMER: I think you already know that I’m not a doctor & am not giving medical advice. I feel crystals should be used as a compliment to & not as a replacement for regular medical and/or psychological care & consultation.

Here’s a recent question I received:

Q: I’ve been searching all over the internet for depression specific crystal suggestions.  Do you have a go-to crystal prescription for depression?

Good Question!  … Read More

2019-05-31T15:00:18-04:0038 Comments
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