Carnelian Healing Properties, Correspondences and Meanings

Carnelian is in the crystal spotlight today, and in this blog post, I’m going to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about this gorgeous and fiery gem.

carnelian healing properties correspondences and meanings

Historically, Carnelian has been referenced in the bible as one of the gemstones that adorned the breastplate of the High Priest and the Breastplate of Aaron.

Anthropologists have also found Carnelian in ancient jewelry dating back to old Egypt and ancient Rome.  You’ll often see rich orange-red pieces inlaid in rings or pendants in museums around the world.

Or used in other unique ways…

carnelian cylinder Cylinder Seal, Carnelian, Egypt Dyn 1

Carnelian’s Energetic Properties

Carnelian has a fiery energy to it! Looking for some get-up-and-go? Then this is a great crystal to work with as it’s known to help eliminate procrastination.

Carnelian is ideal for helping us bust through laziness while enhancing our passion for getting something done. 

While inviting in creativity it assists you in initiating or “getting going”, encouraging you to take steps towards your dreams and … Read More

2023-09-21T11:14:16-04:0013 Comments

Let’s make DIY Crystal Infused Vibrational Perfumes

So, let’s dive into creating our own High Vibrational Crystal Infused Essential Oil Perfume!

These sorts of perfumes are great because they’re:

  • holistic
  • all-natural
  • non-toxic (actually helping your body to detox and get healthier if you’re using the right kind of essential oils in them~!)
  • while also gently entraining your vibrational frequency

And, you’re gonna fall in love ♥ with how EASY this is!

CAUTION: Essential oils are super-potent and need to be diluted in a carrier oil like jojoba or fractionated coconut oil before applying them to the skin. DO NOT USE with elderly folk, pets, pregnant mamas or young children. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll want to stick to the recipe as given or maybe even dilute it even further. I’ve experimented with this recipe quite a bit. I now leave out all but a small bitty amount of the fractionated coconut oil for a more potent scent because my skin can take it. You’ll have to play with it and see what works best for you.

The first blend I … Read More

2019-09-26T23:17:39-04:0016 Comments

A Crystal Mix to Fire up Your Creativity

creativity crystal mix

Ever feel like you’ve hit a creative dry spell or like you have nothing new to make, say, do? Today, I’m gonna to talk to you about a vibrational frequency combo we can use to give ourselves a boost of creativity when we really need it.


OK, so this is for those of us that create… create anything, whether you’re writing a book or painting a painting or sewing something up — anything at all! We create in so many different glorious ways.

But, sometimes you run across periods of time where your creativity-well dries up, and we’ve all run into those times where you’re just plain blocked. You’ve hit the Creativity Wall. 🙁

Maybe you set aside a specific time to sit down and do your creative work, so you sit down and you can’t think of a single freakin’ thing to sculpt, you can’t think of what to write, to make; it’s just not flowing to you as you know it has in the past… you know, when you’re in the zone.

This often happens to me when I’m writing my crystal content. I strictly … Read More

2019-09-26T23:15:35-04:006 Comments

Super Blast Energizing Crystal Combo


Let’s talk about a great Energizing Crystal Combo!

Here I’m sharing this perfect little energizing crystal combination b/c it seems like a lot of us, including myself, could use a boost of energy.  A nice little energy shot.

In fact, if you’re into crystals, (which you probably are right?!) you likely have these crystals readily accessible, Crystal Hottie…and if you don’t, you can get this combo pretty easily.

Super Blast Energizing Wake-up Call Combo

1.  Carnelian


Carnelian is bright orange, an invigorating color and very easy to find.

It’s in the quartz family & a safe stone to use, very common and relatively low-cost; an energizing crystal to work with.

I’ve got a whole luscious post about Carnelian (+ a FREE gift) over here!!

2.  Citrine

Another crystal that’s easy to get a hold of and so great for energizing is citrine.

It doesn’t need to be a natural citrine like the I show you in my video & in the photo below.  That’s an all-natural dark citrine point from the Congo.


You might be more acquainted with citrine that … Read More

2016-09-19T18:28:35-04:0012 Comments
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